WIP Design: Forever

We had the opportunity to meet with the editor of a favorite home design publication earlier this year to discuss the potential of our property being featured in their pages. After quickly pulled together and almost unexpected visit with a casual tour of our home we got a message a week later from New York saying that they would love to feature our story and to reach back out when we felt like we were ready.

What a message to receive, right!? I had manifested something like this happening and it was maybe December 29th when I said it out loud to a friend.

So to then a month later be given this introduction, this opportunity and this opening I find myself, a few months after that, wondering if we will ever be ready. Are we ever ready for debuts or introductions like this?

My answer is, definitely not. But that is also the beauty of this home, it is also a project and a delicate dance with the seasons of living here and the elements of Mother Nature.

More soon! xx Ly


The Casa Madre Vibe


Favorite Spots in Town